Capital Engineering College, a prestigious educational institution affiliated with The Biju Patnaik University of Technology, is situated in the vibrant city of Khordha, Bhubaneswar. In the beginning, the college relied on traditional online software to efficiently handle its various administrative and operational tasks.
Capital Engineering College, a renowned educational institution affiliated with the Biju Patnaik University of Technology, and situated in Khordha Bhubaneswar, initially relied on online software to handle its college operations. However, as the college expanded its campuses across multiple locations in Khordha Bhubaneswar, it encountered the challenge of effectively managing these diverse campuses. In order to overcome this obstacle, Capital Engineering College approached our team to find a suitable solution for controlling and managing their various college campuses.
The main objective of Capital Engineering College was to streamline administrative procedures and reduce costs associated with tasks such as file handling, account administration, fees management, academic management, online admission processes, canteen management, exam management, payroll management, and website management. Their aim was to centralize and synchronize all college data onto an online portal, providing convenient access and enabling centralized analysis. Additionally, the college sought to improve communication and interaction with parents by incorporating technology for student ID cards. Capital Engineering College faced several challenges, including managing cash fees from a significant student population, generating comprehensive reports related to fees, maintaining an organized library, overseeing various academic activities, handling account and fees management, efficiently managing online admissions, tracking transportation buses, conducting seamless exam management, ensuring accurate payroll management, effectively managing employees, and preparing progress cards tailored to the different examination patterns used by the college.
Capital Engineering College in achieving its goals. This state-of-the-art software effectively tackles various challenges, providing easy management, GPS tracking of transportation buses, and real-time monitoring of mobile phone and website operations from anywhere, at any time. It offers robust functionalities for account management, fee management, academic management, online admissions, exam administration, payroll management, and employee management, making it a comprehensive and indispensable tool for Capital Engineering College.
By consolidating all college data on a secure online portal, Capital Engineering College now enjoys unparalleled access to real-time information, facilitating accurate decision-making and streamlined processes. The customized Eazyscholar mobile app for Android platforms bridges the communication gap between the college and parents, ensuring seamless and efficient interaction through instant notifications. This fosters active engagement and enhances collaboration, ultimately benefiting the entire college community. In terms of fee management, our fee folio module empowers Capital Engineering College to effortlessly collect and deposit fees. Moreover, we offer customization options to cater to the college's specific requirements, including the incorporation of student ID cards. With Eazyscholar, Capital Engineering College achieves centralized control over all its campuses, significantly improving operational efficiency. The software streamlines administrative tasks, facilitates seamless data management, and empowers the institution to optimize resources effectively. By leveraging our comprehensive solution, Capital Engineering College now operates more efficiently, ensuring uninterrupted communication, precise fee management, and synchronized data across all campuses.